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  Phone technical support +39 0575 0508

Opening support tickets

To open a support ticket:
  1. go to;
  2. click on Sign in in the Customer support area;
  3. enter your Username and Password: to recover these details, please see the relevant section;
  4. click on Sign in;
  5. once you have signed in, you will be able to browse the content.
By clicking on Continue, a list of topics or services for which you can request support will be displayed, based on the services linked to the username and password provided:
  1. select the service or topic of interest;
  2. select the folders until you reach the content you need marked with a +;
  3. FAQs for the problem in question will be displayed: if you find the solution to the problem, you can return to the homepage. If not, you can open a support ticket.
As you progress, frequently asked questions relating to your problem will be shown on the right, providing solutions and tips to help you solve the problem by yourself.

If you decide to open a support ticket, you will need to provide the subject and text of the request, as well as certain other details which may be required. A grey box with further instructions may be shown next to the form. If required, files can be attached to the request by clicking on Manage attachments.

Submit the ticket.
To view previously submitted support tickets, click on Your tickets at the top.

Le operazioni necessarie per aprire una richiesta di assistenza.